Today and tomorrow mark Israel's Remembrance and Independence Days, this year in a context we have never before experienced. Beyond mourning the victims of October 7th and the ongoing war, there is a profound dismay upon realizing that we now confront three complex threats:
Permanent War of Attrition: In retrospect, It's now clear that Operation Cast Lead in 2009 marked a new era/ Israel has been ensnared in a chronic and escalating instability. The planning and sponsorship are Iranian, with the chanllenge since October 7th is from diffenert arenas.
On the Brink of a Civil War: Israel entered the conflict deeply divided and on the verge of a constitutional crisis. Seven months into the conflict, polarization resurfaces, threatening to reignite a mechanism of self-destruction.
International Isolation: The erosion of Israel's international legitimacy has become a symbol and a wedge issue within Western countries, and the opposition to Israel became a fashion. This has significantly impacted Israel's relationship with the US.
The convergence of these threats presents the most challenging period in the history of the State of Israel. However, there is also promising news:

Resilient Society: Israeli society is displaying remarkable resilience and is hesitant to revert to the divisions that existed pre-war. The opportunity for rectification remains open.
Reconnecting with the Jewish World: After years of a growing gap, October 7th changed the approach of many critical Jews towards Israel, fostering a more natural connection to the State of Israel. This "Peoplehood 2.0" shift holds significant potential for enhancing Israel’s resilience, economy, international legitimacy, and political landscape.
Healthier National Security Discourse: Despite the steep cost, the military's monopoly over national security discussions has been disrupted, and it is for Israel's benefit. Previously, this monopoly created a complete overlap between the doctrine of the use of force to the understanding of national security, by that exacerbating some of our national crises..
Haters gonna hate: Despite the waning of Israel’s international stature, there are many indications that the leaders of the anti-Israel discourse remain a minority. This scenario provides Israel with a broader platform to influence mainstream views.
Addressing the Iranian Threat: Tackling this issue is feasible by capitalizing on Iran’s vulnerabilities: its faltering economy, the resentment it fosters where it operates, and its potential isolation due to consistent human rights violations (It is beyond us why Israel has not yet spearheaded such a campaign). Moreover, the dissent within Iranian society and its diaspora towards the Islamic regime and the heterogeneity of Iranian society present additional leverage points.
While other positive developments exist, the takeaway is clear: to harness these opportunities, a comprehensive reboot of various life aspects, likely under new leadership, is essential.
The road ahead will be tough, possibly even tougher, but ultimately, Israel can emerge fortified, laying down the foundations to endure another 76 years until the next crisis.