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Tzahal in Gaza: A Snapshot of the Situation

For the past four days, the IDF has been actively engaged inside the Gaza strip. There have been intense complex battles with Israeli casualties. Although Hamas's infrastructure has been substantially hit, its capacity to fire missiles into Israel remains intact.


Instead of opting for a full-scale invasion, the IDF has been conducting quick incursions to hit specific targets, then retreating. The decision to not pursue a blitzkrieg approach, which would have swiftly captured and secured the region, came due to pressures from the U.S. against reoccupying the Gaza Strip and concerns about further Israeli casualties. Notably, the IDF seems to have deployed forces aiming to split the Gaza Strip strategically, potentially laying siege to zones housing significant Hamas operations.


The West Bank, despite being relatively calmer, remains a potential flashpoint from different catalysts. The main cause for this turmoil are terrorist groups affiliated with Hamas. But it is also the provocation of rogue settlers who have been fueling a volatile environment.


The international community is voicing concerns over the situation in Gaza. The bombing in the Gaza Strip has shifted some Western countries' public opinion to question the scale of the Israeli operation. However, continued support from U.S. and European leaders indicates a consensus that diminishing Hamas's power, albeit at a significant cost, is crucial. To address some of this criticism, Israel has agreed to amplify humanitarian aid to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip.


One controversial moment in Israel's advocacy efforts was the act of the Israeli ambassador to the UN donning a yellow patch during a UN General Assembly speech, which drew criticism for trivializing the Holocaust. A more detailed discussion on the challenges of Israeli advocacy will follow in a separate piece.


Yemen's Declaration of War on Israel: Implications


Yemani Hutties

The Houthi terrorist organization from Yemen have officially declared a war on Israel, marking their first formal proclamation against the state. The Houthis, largely seen as acting upon directives from Iran, play a vital role in Iran's broader regional strategy - exert influence without direct consequences. Despite being modestly equipped, the Houthis have consistently held their ground against the technologically superior Saudi forces, backed by American weaponry.


Yemen's geographical distance from Israel means that missile and drone attacks launched

from Yemen are detectable well in advance, providing ample time for interception. The U.S. Navy in the Red Sea and Saudi defense systems offer additional layers of protection. Thus, the current attacks on Israel are perceived by some as not more than a “hustle”. However, the Houties are likely to escalates their measures and can possess another more substantial threat in the form of targeting  Israeli ships in the “Bab el Mandab” strait in the Red Sea.

Iran and Hezbollah


Despite the Houthi's aggressive stance, Iran and Hezbollah have shown relative restraint. The Iranian army Chief of Staff said that the wise thing for Israel to do is to give its consent to a ceasefire. Don’t worry, the Iraniana officer did not become a pacifist. There's an underlying apprehension of losing their stronghold in Gaza and a strategic choice to preserve Hezbollah's missile arsenal, which is primarily meant as a deterrent against potential attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities.


However, this Iranian stance can shift rapidly. The likelihood of an escalation involving Hezbollah and Iran remains high. The Hamas leadership has publicly voiced dissatisfaction with what they perceive as Iran and Hezbollah's mere symbolic support.


At this pivotal moment in history, Israel has the opportunity to lead a regional alliance, supported by the U.S, aimed at countering Iran's growing influence in the Middle East. This coalition could unite nations with shared concerns about Iran's ambitions, fostering deeper diplomatic and strategic ties in the region. This is why it is surprising that the French President Macron’s suggestion to create an international coalition against Hamas was largely ignored.



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