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How the Casus Belli of 1967 Considered a Marginal Threat in 2023?

The recent events in the Red Sea, marked by Houthi forces targeting not only vessels linked to Israel but also an American warship, poses a grave escalation. This aggression is already inflicting substantial damage on Israel's economy and disrupting the critical supply chain of maritime transport. 

Nonetheless, The Houthis' blockade of the Suez Canal for Israel in the Bab al-Mandab region, a cause (Casus Belli) for the Six-Day War, now seems a secondary threat compared to the current conflicts with Hamas and Hezbollah.

Houthi Warrior

This Yemeni group, aligned with Iran, has been capable of executing skillful coordinated attacks using advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and naval mines. It reveals a level of sophistication and capability that demands serious attention. If reports of the Houthi army numbering 500,000 soldiers are accurate, this puts them on par with the size of the IDF. 

Iran's active role in Yemen is a critical part of its strategy to encircle Israel with a ring of fire. The Houthis' relationship with Iran and Hezbollah transcends the role of mere proxies; they provide Iran with a "deniability space," allowing it to confront regional foes like Israel, the US, and Saudi Arabia while maintaining plausible deniability.

The Houthi assaults in the Red Sea pose a significant risk not only to Israel but also to the global chain of supplyi and regional stability. Their operations in the Bab al-Mandab, a vital maritime passage, could have extensive economic and geopolitical repercussions.

The enduring Houthi menace will persist unless Iran faces consequences for its support. It's about tackling the broader regional dynamics and Iran's growing influence.


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