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Is Israel Turning again into a Bi-Partisan Issue?

Israelis writing about American politics always generate sensitivity. We write this analysis from a non-partisan Israeli perspective, and we are particularly looking for your thoughts and comments on this one.


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Many in Israel perceive U.S. support for Israel as a given, not realizing its complexity. But in recent years, Israel's support from the Democratic Party has been eroding. Given this backdrop, Biden's unequivocal affirmation of Israel's right to self-defense, coupled with his willingness to back his stern warnings to Iran and Hezbollah with the deployment of aircraft carriers to the region, were noteworthy. 

It is tempting to conclude that Israel might be returning to the core of American bi-partisan consensus. Polls also indicate, however, a more complex status. Approximately 18 progressive members of Congress from the Democratic Party have called for an immediate cease-fire, drawing a parallel between Hamas's deliberate attacks and the IDF's inadvertent civilian casualties. However, such more “balanced” statements were not only the domain of the progressive wing in the Democratic Party. Notably, President Obama's latest statement that included criticism over Israeli operations in Gaza, might also subtly critique the Biden administration's unwavering support for Israel. Conversely, we shouldn't anticipate unwavering support from the Republican Party. Trump's remarks post-conflict, in which he branded Defense Minister Yoav Gallant a “jerk,” weren't exactly reassuring. Vivek Ramaswamy, who often mirrors Trump's viewpoints, criticized Israel's actions in an interview with Tucker Carlson and expressed his opposition to U.S. involvement in the region.  While the Republican Party's vocal support for Israel appears steadfast, it remains uncertain how this endorsement might manifest beyond mere rhetoric.

In light of the intricacies and ongoing shifts within both major U.S. political parties, it becomes imperative for Israel to continue fostering relationships at all levels of American politics. It also needs to recognize that the unwavering support of the current administration may provide a unique opportunity, which may not recur, to uproot Hamas in Gaza. The U.S.-Israel bond, rooted deeply in shared values and strategic interests, ought to transcend party lines. However, understanding and navigating the changing dynamics remains crucial for the future of this alliance. 



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