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Hamas strategic Rear in the West

The threat posed by Hamas extends beyond its military capabilities. It encompassing a global ideological warfare that challenges the core values and foundations of Western democracies. Recognizing this global dimension is crucial for developing a comprehensive strategy to counteract Hamas.


To effectively counter Hamas, Israel requires a multifaceted strategy that not only combats Hamas militarily in Gaza but also undertakes a global campaign to dismantle Islamist influence in the West. This challenge is intensified by the strategic alliance between Western Islamists and leftist organizations – including progressive groups in the US and socialist groups in Europe. This phenomenon, known as the red-green alliance, significantly bolsters Hamas' soft power on a global scale.


Our findings underscore Hamas' influence on perceptions and policy in the U.S., particularly during wartime. This influence often translates into increased pressure on the U.S. administration to curtail military aid to Israel and accelerate a ceasefire, potentially undermining Israel's military goals. Significantly, pro-Hamas sentiment has also resonated with some members of the Democratic Party, influencing U.S. policies. This includes exerting pressure on Israel to permit fuel deliveries to Gaza, which inadvertently assists Hamas' military capabilities.

Rear mirror of Hamas

Some Islamist and leftist groups significantly contribute to the rising antisemitism in the West. This manifests both through direct, explicit expressions of antisemitism and indirectly by portraying Jews as 'white and privileged,' which diminishes the perceived urgency to address antisemitism. The red-green alliance is increasingly effective in framing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a binary of oppressed vs. oppressor, utilizing the domestic terminology of identity politics.


Countering Hamas' strategic influence in the U.S. is crucial, complementing Israel's military strategies. This aspect often remains a critical blind spot for Israeli policymakers. While they recognize the link between the Gaza conflict and the rise of antisemitism, Israeli leaders frequently overlook the importance of actively countering key sources of antisemitism in America. Addressing these sources is not only vital in its own right but also aligns with the broader objective of undermining Hamas.


This oversight results in a failure to fully grasp the impact of rising antisemitism on Israel's current military objectives. Atchalta's main goal is to enlighten Israeli decision-makers about this crucial link. Acknowledging this connection could foster a more unified approach among government agencies, which currently operate in isolation, aiming to globally neutralize Hamas. It may also prompt Israeli diplomatic efforts and intelligence sharing with pro-Israel groups. This collaboration would not only further Israel's goals but also support Jewish organizations in America in their fight against antisemitism, fueled by Islamist and progressive factions.


Combating the sources of the recent surge in antisemitism is not only a moral obligation but also a crucial component in the strategic defeat of Hamas.


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